Araca Military Base

Protection of all resources deployed throughout the entire length of the Araca military base.


Reduction of false alarms

EULEN, as a security and installation company, aims to protect all the resources deployed throughout the Araca military base. In this sense, it has been considered relevant to protect this enclosure from any attempt of external intrusion that violates its integrity and puts at risk the existing assets and resources that guarantee permanent and safe security.

The Military Base, which has an old microphone cable deployed along the perimeter extension, suffers from many false alarms and aims to reduce false alarms as much as possible.

Date of execution:

From 2018 to 2022


Vitoria, Spain.


Defense and Security



How we made it happen

INTREPID MicroPoint II Valley Sensor Cable Installation

The solution implemented at the Araca Military Base was the installation of an INTREPID MicroPoint II valley sensor cable, which is the new generation version of the perimeter detection system, and which can detect cuts in the fence, fence intrusion or any sabotage attempt.

The project was divided into 4 phases:

PHASE I: Executed in 2018, Micropoint II fence sensor cable system covering a total of 1,600 meters.

PHASE II: Executed in 2022, Micropoint II fence sensor cable system covering a total of 1,600 meters.

PHASE III: Executed in 2022, Micropoint II fence sensor cable system covering a total of 1,600 meters.

PHASE IV: Executed in 2022, Micropoint II fence sensor cable system covering a total of 1,600 meters.

Reduction of false alarms


Some of our products and services applied to this project



Technology consulting

We advise on the best technological solution to apply according to the needs of each project. Learn more about our technology consulting.



Security and communications

INTREPID™ MicroPoint™ II is the next generation version of Southwest Microwave's field-proven fence detection system for applications where detection of attempted cutting or climbing is necessary. A new and improved FSK communications system increases the range for system communication along the sensor wires.



Professional Services

At Grupo Álava we offer our own high quality technical service and training to satisfy all our customers' needs and provide the best support.

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Adaptable and flexible technology

  • With the new Micropoint II detection system, among other achievements:
  • To be able to detect any intrusion attempt that occurs, as an early warning to be able to counter the threat efficiently.
  • Locate the point of intrusion so that the reaction is as effective as possible, recognizing and verifying the alleged intrusion as a possible threat to the integrity of the military base compound.
  • Have consistent and robust 24/7 operation in the short, medium and long term.
  • Maximum detection reliability has been achieved by detecting each and every intrusion attempt over time, including multiple intrusion attempts.
  • Actively monitor the condition of the fence on an ongoing basis, with continuous recording of any mechanical incidents that occur.
  • Fictitious alarms due to adverse weather effects (heavy rain, hail, wind...) have been eliminated, thanks to logical filters based on the cable sensors.
  • The alarms have been adjusted to the peculiarities of the perimeter of the Araca Military Base, programming them between 1 meter (minimum) and 200 meters (maximum), in steps of 1 meter.
  • A particularly low vulnerability index and a negligible rate of false alarms and/or fictitious alarms have been achieved.


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