Specialized article

How to maintain a wind farm

About the Author: María José Gómez García

Maria Jose Gomez

February 22, 2022

3 min of reading


We can't avoid it, breakdowns in the machines of [...]


Why is maintaining a wind farm important?

We can't avoid it, machine breakdowns in wind farms happen from time to time. The resulting loss of profit is very expensive. Productivity and work performance are reduced, costs for materials, personnel, subcontracted services are increased... Sometimes these breakdowns can even cause risks for people, in the case of very serious accidents. Therefore, maintaining a wind farm is crucial for its correct operation.

what will it allow me to do?

how to maintain a wind farm

To the extent that companies implement a predictive maintenance plan, uptower maintenance can be better planned and insurance premiums are reduced. The company benefits by being able to anticipate problems. Failure can be seen months in advance, allowing repairs to be planned well in advance. This avoids having the machine down at times of high availability.

In short, you will be extending the useful life of the assets and generating great savings.

how we can help you maintain your wind turbines

Within the Alava Group, we combine the experience of a company with more than 25 years working on predictive maintenance together with new technological solutions that allow us advanced data analytics, and focused on the Digital Twin.

We automate the prediction of failures, for this we have a tool that allows us to configure relative/statistical alarms, and anomaly detection for groups of assets that allow us to detect any deviation that occurs in a real way in the machine.  

We anticipate failures, ensuring the condition of the machine at all times, and diagnosing the root cause of the failure. All this, thanks to a team of analysts with extensive experience in the sector.

We have solutions with a high specialization in their design for predictive maintenance and the extension of the useful life of wind turbines, transformers... We increase the power of detection and early diagnosis through the integration of different sources of information; different CMS, SCADAS. We have high-level KPIs for the correct monitoring of assets. All this, accompanied by a highly specialized technical team with a lot of experience in predictive maintenance in wind turbines..

Maria José Gómez, Business Manager - Predictive Maintenance at Grupo Álava)

and not only that, we also want to accompany you in your digital transformation process.

You can choose to evolve towards automation thanks to algorithms, machine learning and anomaly detection. We can integrate different predictive techniques: vibrations, oil analysis, the electrical part. All in a single solution. We make the most of the value of all the integrated data to make an accurate analysis of the assets.

Thanks to our IoT platformplatform, we unite various data sources in a single interface. We unify their treatment and propose a series of advanced algorithms to extract value from them.

You will have access to a flexible digital model. You choose which variables you want to control, the algorithm to apply and the type of response required. You will be able to maintain your wind farm and extend the lifetime of your assets.

Alliance with Telefónica Tech
Prevention of failures in electrical transformers