Past events

Digital Cycle

Marketing Dept.

May 18, 2021

1 min of reading


We invite you to share experiences in the sessions of the Cycle of [...]


Digital Cycle. Leading the change

We invite you to share experiences in the sessions of the Digital Cycle leading the change, a virtual space created to discuss and share experiences related to the transformation of the industrial sector: people, processes and technologies.

What do the Digital Cycle sessions consist of?

For 60 minutes and in the format of virtual round tables, we will bring together relevant people with extensive experience related to the corresponding topic.

A clear objective, to generate a networking of interest to all participants. It will be a time to learn from the experiences of professionals, discuss different solutions and ask experts about their opinions and references.

A space to achieve success and to be informed of the latest projects, solutions and trends in the current Spanish industry.

Digital cycle leading change

AI for Industry International Congress
NGEU European Funds (Digital Cycle)